HIT Adoption

The technology stereotype that needs to die – right now

Download the MedCity Startup Index for July 2014 Recently we published news about a study that tested how well text messages worked as an engagement tool with people on Medicaid. The conclusions were: “Wow, it worked!” and “It was cheap too!” Although I like the company that provided the messaging – HealthCrowd has a sense […]

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MedCity Influencers

‘Pull’ data exchange architecture is good alternative to centralized infrastructure

Massachusetts has created a three year, three phased HIE plan based on “pushing” records from place to place, creating analytic repositories, and “pulling” data from providers based on a centralized consent repository/ master patient index. Here’s a brief overview from a recent NPR broadcast. We all want to solve the “Unconscious in the Emergency Department […]


Reaction to the Obamacare ruling: Investors

Everyone — almost every one —  had something to say about yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld most of the Affordable Care Act. We talked to people from all around the industry and here is what they had to say. For more reactions, check out these posts: Professors, doctors, lawyers Medical device leaders Lobbyists […]

MedCity Influencers

EHR Incentives and the “Dark Side”

CMS EHR Incentives: The Dark Side The US Federal Government is spending untold billions of dollars in an effort to promote the transition of our health care system from one based on paper to one based on electronic interoperable data. This massive effort is not only necessary; it is noble and ranks with other Herculean […]